A Classfull Of Collaborators!
As you know, I wrote songs for each of my three sons a few months back and posted YouTube videos of me performing them. Well, a few weeks ago, Nathaniel’s school class watched his and following that they asked their teacher if I could write a song about their class and go in and perform to them. I naturally said I’d be delighted, but I suggested that the kids come up with the ideas for the words. They duly came back to me with mind maps of words and phrases about themselves, which I assembled into a song lyric, with a rhyme added here and there and set them to music. I then went in and performed it to them as promised and they loved it! I then decided to record it in full and was able to play the finished article to them on the coach for their school trip. It went down a storm and now they’re learning it to perform it themselves! It’s been a fantastic little project and I’m really pleased with the result, which you can hear yourselves below. It’s well upbeat and you can’t help but boogie to it! See also the lyric video I’ve done of it and the MP3 is free to download!
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