20 Questions With Paul Curtis

With the build up to the release of my E.P., “Mercurial Session” going on, I’ve obviously been pretty busy.  With so much stuff going on, I’ve perhaps not been as accessible to you, the subscribers, as I’d like.  The thing that’s been most rewarding about the way I’m releasing this record has been all the great comments, emails, tweets, and “likes” etc..  It’s all made for a nice intimate atmosphere and I really like it!

In that vein, I want to take some time to talk about the things YOU want me to talk about.  Instead of listening to the same old interview formula, I think it might be fun to open it up and take some questions from the people that really matter.

Here’s how this will work:
Think of a question you’d like to ask me.  Post it in the comment field below, or send it via email if you’d prefer, to paul@paul-curtis.com. I’ll select 20 of them (or more depending on time constraints).  I’ll do a video of the answers and then I’ll send you a link via email that takes you to where you can find the results.

Keep in mind:
The general theme here is music and the E.P., but go ahead and ask me anything you want.  I’ll try to answer as wide a variety as I can.  The more insightful or thought-provoking your question is, the better chance it has of getting answered (although I might answer some daft ones too!).

Sometime within the next 48 hours or so, the timeframe for submissions will end, so get your questions in as soon as possible.  I’ll get the responses done and back to you as soon as I possibly can.

So without further ado, ask away and keep your eye on your inbox for my reply.  Have fun!

Much love,


2 Responses

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  • Carrol Angela on

    the two songs, change & another time/another place, fill my heart with joy and hope and gladness. You are beautiful, Paul, making me kinda wish i were not already so helplessly in love with my Richard, who, himself is having a difficult time revealing his true identity to me – i cant call him right now, either – stubborn, painful shyness. much love and success to you, one thing i understand is mercurial, lol.

    • Paul on

      Hi Carrol,

      Thanks so much for your comment (and for the CD Baby review). I’m really glad that my songs have connected with you, and to receive such positive and supportive messages as yours means a lot to me. I hope things work out for you with Richard.

      Much love,


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